List of 2022 “Home and Abroad News Press - the News Persons of the Year” prize winners
2022《中外新闻》时代新闻人物出炉 在当今思想多元化的时代,《中外新闻》作为联合国三家机构认定的主流媒体,以推出年度新闻人物的方式,对具有时代特征、为推动国际社会和谐进步做出贡献的新闻人物进行表彰,此活动开展年,已有76国驻华大使及官员亲临会场接受《中外新闻》时代新闻人物殊荣。经《中外新闻》记者采访报道、主流媒体推荐,荣获“2022《中外新闻》时代新闻人物”称号名单: In today’s multicultural global society, Home and Abroad News Press has been designated as the mainstream media by three United Nation associated organizations. Based on the great influence of our strong brand recognition, we introduced “The News Person of the Year” annual prizes to recognize excellent persons who made remarkable contributions to the international society and promoting peace and harmony in the global community for many years. In the recent years, as many as 76 foreign ambassadors and diplomats have received this special honor. Based on our exclusive interviews and the recommendations from other mainstream media, “2022 Home and Abroad News Press - the News Persons of the Year” prize winners are:
第1位:伊朗共和国驻华大使克沙瓦尔兹扎德阁下(Ambassador of Iran to China H.E.Mr.Mohammad Keshavarz Zadeh)
国家财政部秘书长李铁堆、中外新闻社总裁韦燕向伊朗共和国驻华大使克沙瓦尔兹扎德阁下(H.E.Mr.Mohammad Keshavarz Zadeh)颁发2022《中外新闻》时代新闻人物奖杯 入选理由:Winning reasons: 伊朗伊斯兰共和国驻华大使克沙瓦尔兹扎德阁下是一位出色的政治家和外交家。在伊朗外交部附属院校取得国际关系学士学位, 在伊朗库姆莫菲德大学取得政治学硕士学位。曾任伊朗外交部高级别职位、伊朗驻委内瑞拉大使、伊朗驻乌兹别克斯坦大使等职位。2018年12月18日向中国国家主席习近平递交国书, 正式成为伊朗共和国驻华大使。在华任职期间, 沙瓦尔兹扎德任何时候都表达对台湾,新疆,西藏的立场和态度, 重申坚持一个中国原则, 对美方在台湾问题上的无端挑衅予以强烈谴责。他强调:中方有权以任何方式维护主权和领土完整。在日前举办的中伊友好协会第十三届年度联席会议上, 克沙瓦尔兹扎德大使表示, 伊朗可以成为中国在中东地区的最安全、最可靠的伙伴。其二, 伊朗拥有世界第二多的油气资源, 能够在中国能源安全领域发挥重要作用。伊朗永远是中国人民的好朋友和老朋友! H.E.Mr.Mohammad Keshavarz Zadeh, the Ambassador of the Islamic Republic of Iran to China, is an outstanding politician and diplomat. He obtained a bachelor's degree in international relations from an institution affiliated to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Iran, and a master's degree in political science from Mofid University in Iran. He had served in high-level positions of the Iranian Foreign Ministry, as Iranian Ambassador to Venezuela and Uzbekistan as well as other important positions. He officially became the Ambassador to China on December 18th 2018. During his tenure in China, Ambassador Keshavarz had always expressed his position and attitude towards Taiwan, China, Xinjiang and Tibet issues by reiterating his adherence to the “One China Policy”, and strongly condemned the unprovoked provocation of the United States on the Taiwan issue. He stressed that China has the right to safeguard sovereignty and territorial integrity in any way. At the 13th annual joint meeting of China-Iran Friendship Association held recently, Ambassador Keshavarz said that Iran can become China's safest and most reliable partner in the Middle East. Furthermore, Iran has the second largest oil and gas resources in the world and can play an important role in China's energy security. Iran will always be a good and old friend of the Chinese people.
第2位:摩尔多瓦共和国驻华大使杜米特鲁•贝拉基什阁下(Ambassador of Moldova to China, H.E.Mr.Dumitru Braghis)
国家财政部秘书长李铁堆、中外新闻社总裁韦燕向摩尔多瓦共和国驻华大使杜米特鲁•贝拉基什阁下(H.E.Mr.Dumitru Braghis)颁发2022《中外新闻》时代新闻人物奖杯 入选理由:Winning reasons: 摩尔多瓦共和国驻华大使杜米特鲁•贝拉基什是一位出色的政治家, 曾担任摩尔多瓦多瓦共和国总理, 出任过摩尔多瓦驻俄罗斯大使。2021年4月14日, 贝拉基什在人民大会堂向国家主席习近平递交国书, 正式成为摩尔多瓦共和国驻华大使。任职期间, 贝拉基什大力推进FAMSUN和摩尔多瓦农业部门的合作。特别在抗击疫情中, 贝拉基什极力推广中医药在抗击新冠肺炎疫情中发挥的独特优势和重要作用, 使摩尔多瓦成为东欧地区首批开设中医药中心的国家之一。在贝拉基什的推动下, 2022年1-10月中国对摩尔多瓦出口商品总值近173万美元, 相比2021年同期增长了17.3%。 Ambassador of Moldova to China, H.E. Mr. Dumitru Braghiș, is a great politician with tremendous experiences by serving as the Prime Minister of Republic of Moldova and the Ambassador to Russia. He officially became the Ambassador to China on April 14th 2021. During his term, He vigorously promoted the cooperation between FAMSUN and Moldova's agricultural sector. He also tirelessly promoted the unique benefits of traditional Chinese medicine in the fight against COVID-19 pandemic, making Moldova one of the first countries in Eastern Europe to open TCM centers. With his efforts, the total value of China's exports to Moldova from January to October 2022 reached an estimated $1.73 million USD, an increase of 17.3% over the same period in 2021.
第3位: 巴勒斯坦国驻华大使法里兹•马赫达维阁下 (Ambassador of Palestine to China, H.E.Mr.Fariz Mehdawi)
国家财政部秘书长李铁堆、中外新闻社总裁韦燕向巴勒斯坦国驻华大使法里兹•马赫达维阁下(H.E.Mr.Fariz Mehdawi)颁发2022《中外新闻》时代新闻人物奖杯 入选理由:Winning reasons: 巴勒斯坦国驻华大使法里兹•马赫达维是一位资深的政治家和外交家, 他同时还担任阿拉伯国家驻华使团团长。2022年12月6日, 中国政府与巴勒斯坦政府签署《中华人民共和国政府与巴勒斯坦国政府在共建“一带一路”倡议下关于共同关心事项的谅解备忘录》。马赫达维大使用自己的智慧和力量发挥驻华大使职能, 推动着巴勒斯坦国和中国友好关系的发展, 积极帮助中国投资者评估巴勒斯坦国行业投资价值, 在推动 “一带一路” 国际合作平台上迎接挑战、履行承诺。2022年1-10月中国与巴勒斯坦双边货物进出口额为12237.2万美元, 相比2021年同比增长19.8%。 H.E.Mr.Fariz Mehdawi, the Ambassador of Palestine to China, is a senior politician and diplomat. He also serves as the head of the Arab Countries' Missions to China. On December 6, 2022, the Chinese Government and the Palestinian Government signed the “Memorandum of Understanding on Matters of Common Concern between the Government of the People's Republic of China and the Government of the State of Palestine under the Initiative of Jointly Building the Belt and Road”. He dedicates his wisdom and efforts to promote friendly relations between Palestine and China as the Ambassador, and actively helps Chinese investors to assess the investment values of the Palestinian industries on the platform of the "Belt and Road Initiative". From January to October 2022, the total value of China's exports to Palestine was over $122 billion USD, a year-on-year increase of 19.8% compared with 2021.
第4位:索马里联邦共和国驻华大使阿瓦莱•阿里•库拉内阁下(Ambassador of Somalia to China, H.E.Mr.Awale Ali Kullane)
国家财政部秘书长李铁堆、中外新闻社总裁韦燕向索马里联邦共和国驻华大使阿瓦莱•阿里•库拉内阁下(H.E.Mr.Awale Ali Kullane)颁发2022《中外新闻》时代新闻人物奖杯 入选理由:Winning reasons: 索马里驻华大使阿瓦莱•阿里•库拉内阁下是一位杰出的高级外交官。他于2018年12月18日正式成为驻华大使。在任期内,他坚定地表达了对台湾的立场和态度,坚决支持一个中国政策。他强烈谴责一些有针对性的反华偏见媒体报道歪曲事实,严重误导公众。他还积极帮助中国投资者评估索马里工业的投资机会,促进索马里工业的国际合作“一带一路倡议”。2021 6月15日,阿瓦莱大使访问北京大学,促进两国大学在科学、历史、哲学等方面的交流与合作。他还被任命为中国矿业大学(北京)教授他的奉献精神为两国发展友好关系创造了新的动力。他还是中国矿业大学(北京)的兼职教授。 Ambassador of Somalia to China, H.E.Mr.Awale Ali Kullane, is an outstanding senior diplomat. He officially became the Ambassador to China on December 18th, 2018. During his term, he unshakably expressed his position and attitude towards Taiwan and strongly supported the one-China policy. He strongly condemned some targeted anti-China biased media reports of distorted facts that seriously misled the general public. He also actively helped Chinese investors assess the investment opportunities of the Somali industries by promoting international cooperation on the "Belt and Road Initiatives.” On June 15, 2021, Ambassador Awale visited Peking University to promote exchanges and cooperation between the two countries' universities in science, history, philosophy, and other aspects. He was also appointed a Professor at the China University of Mining and Technology (Beijing). His dedication created a new momentum in developing friendly relations between the two countries. He is also a part-time Professor at the China University of Mining and Technology (Beijing).
第5位:黎巴嫩共和国驻华大使米莉亚•贾布尔阁下(Ambassador of Lebanon to China, H.E.Ms.Milia Jabbour)
李铁堆秘书长、韦燕总裁请黎巴嫩驻华大使特使扎赫•阿里迪(Mr.Zaher Al Aridi)转大使2022《中外新闻》时代新闻人物奖杯 入选理由:Winning reasons: 黎巴嫩驻华大使米莉亚•贾布尔—美丽与智慧于一身的外交官。从2017年12月5日向中国国家主席习近平递交国书那一刻起, 就下决心全面执行两国合作蓝图, 更好造福两国人民。在这个重要的节点上, 贾布尔带着强烈的政治意识、敏锐的发展意识穿梭于海南、云南、上海、西安等中国各大城市, 推动中国和黎巴嫩在政治、经济、社会、教育和文化各个领域的合作。2020年5月, 中黎签署政府间关于互设文化中心的协定。根据协定, 两国将在对方首都互设文化中心。贾布尔大使以此为契机, 打出“组合拳”, 推出一揽子计划, 2022年1-7月中国与黎巴嫩双边货物进出口额为148092.47万美元, 相比2021年同比增长89.7%。 H.E.Ms.Milia Jabbour, the Ambassador of Lebanon to China, is a perfect combination of wisdom and beauty. Since she officially became the Ambassador to China on December 12th 2017, she had shown unwavering determination on creating more benefits to the people of the two countries through exchanges and cooperation. She actively travelled to Hainan, Yunnan, Shanghai, Xi'an and other major Chinese cities with a strong political awareness and willingness to promote cooperation between China and Lebanon in political, economic, social, educational and cultural fields. In May 2020, China and Lebanon signed an intergovernmental agreement on mutual establishment of cultural centers. According to the agreement, the two countries will set up cultural centers in each other's capitals. Ambassador Jabbour took this opportunity and launched a number of projects. From January to July 2022, the bilateral import and export volume of goods between China and Lebanon was over $148 billion USD an increase of 89.7% compared with the same period in 2021.
第6位:伊拉克驻华大使舒尔什•赛义德阁下(Ambassador of Iraq to China, H.E.Mr.Shorsh Khalid Said)
李铁堆秘书长、韦燕总裁请伊拉克共和国驻华大使特使穆罕默德•阿萨德•纳吉先生(Mr.Mohammad Assad Naji)转大使2022《中外新闻》时代新闻人物奖杯 入选理由:Winning reasons: 伊拉克共和国驻华大使舒尔什•赛义德阁下年轻有为、充满活力。大使及其重视中伊两国高端人才培养, 2021年12月1日, 赛义德大使访问北京大学, 对北京大学和伊拉克高校在高等教育、文化交流、文明对话、阿拉伯语言与文化研究等领域开展深层次的合作充满信心。在北京大学期间, 赛义德大使对中国社会经济发展给予高度评价, 并诚挚邀请北大将优秀的学术资源带到巴格达, 让伊中两国的高等教育交流迈上新台阶。中国是伊拉克最大贸易伙伴, 中国是伊拉克第一大原油出口对象国。2022年上半年, 中国成功从伊拉克进口原油2674万吨。赛义德大使的举动为伊中两国友好关系发展注入了新的活力。
Ambassador of Iraq to China, H.E. Mr. Shorsh Khalid Said, is a young and promising diplomat full of vitality. He emphasizes on the great importance of cultivating high-end talents in China and Iraq. On December 1st, 2021, Ambassador Said visited Peking University and was confident of the in-depth cooperation between Peking University and Iraqi universities in the fields of higher education, cultural exchanges, dialogue of civilizations, Arab language and cultural research. He spoke highly of China's social and economic development, and sincerely invited Peking University to bring excellent academic resources to Baghdad, so that higher education exchanges between Iraq and China could elevate to a new level. China is Iraq's largest trading partner, and China is Iraq's largest crude oil export target. In the first half of 2022, China successfully imported 26.74 million tons of crude oil from Iraq. Ambassador Said's actions injected new vitality into the development of Iraq-China friendly relations.
摩尔多瓦共和国驻华大使杜米特鲁•贝拉基什阁下(H.E.Mr.Dumitru Braghis)同伊朗共和国驻华大使克沙瓦尔兹扎德阁下(H.E.Mr.Mohammad Keshavarz Zadeh)在颁奖现场友好交流
伊朗官员在晚会上 (编辑:红云) |