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彰显民间外交多元化: 3国大使以朋友身份出席韦燕生日晚宴

时间:2022-08-26 13:45来源:中外新闻社 作者:刘德山 魏炯才 班晓旭
2022年8月19日, 北京京城--一个阳光灿烂的日子, 中外新闻社董事会在红石文博艺术中心中外新闻社大使俱乐部举行庆祝中外新闻社总裁韦燕生日晚宴。疫情防控限制, 应邀出席的3国大使以朋友身份出席韦燕生日晚宴。

  彰显民间外交多元化: 3国大使以朋友身份出席韦燕生日晚宴

  Diversity of civil diplomacy: Ambassadors of the three countries attended Wei Yans birthday dinner as friends



  (中外新闻社 中外新闻网记者 刘德山 魏炯才 班晓旭)2022年8月19日, 北京京城--一个阳光灿烂的日子, 中外新闻社董事会在红石文博艺术中心中外新闻社大使俱乐部举行庆祝中外新闻社总裁韦燕生日晚宴。疫情防控限制, 应邀出席的3国大使以朋友身份出席韦燕生日晚宴。他们是:斯洛伐克共和国驻华大使杜尚•贝拉阁下及夫人、亚美尼亚共和国驻华大使谢尔盖•马纳萨良阁下、贝宁驻华大使西蒙•阿多韦兰德阁下。

  August 19, 2022, Beijing was a sunny day, the board of directors of Home and Abroad News Press held a dinner party to celebrate the birthday of President Wei Yan at the Redstone Culture Center. Due to pandemic control restrictions, three ambassadors attended the dinner party as her long-loved friends, including the Ambassador of the Slovak Republic to Chin H.E. Mr. Dusan Bella and Mrs. Eugénia Bellová, the Ambassador of the Republic of Armenia to China H.E. Mr. Sergey Manassarian, and the Ambassador of Benin to China H.E. Mr. Simon P. Adovelande.

  贝宁共和国驻华大使西蒙•阿多韦兰德阁下(H.E.Mr.Simon P.Adovelande)为韦燕生日赠送鲜花

  晚宴开始前韦燕总裁致辞。她说, 今年的生日宴会很特别, 我邀请了3个国家驻华大使, 他们来自欧洲、亚洲、非洲, 他们都是我最亲近的朋友。国之交在于民相亲, 民相亲在于心相通。在日常的采访中, 是他们用友谊给了我精彩而丰富的生活, 非常感谢大使朋友们!

  Before the dinner, President Wei Yan delivered a speech. She said that this year's birthday party is very special. Three ambassadors are from Europe, Asia and Africa, and they are my closest friends. The relations between any countries are based on people-to-people connections, the civil connections are based on the heart-to-heart connections. The international friends have given me a wonderful and colorful life through precious friendship. I am very grateful to the ambassadors and all friends!

  晚宴上, 当各国大使看到韦燕总裁的儿子张珈闻从加拿大发来视频祝贺妈妈的生日时, 他们感受到这对母子相互支持、鼓励、包容和博大的爱。

  At the dinner, when the ambassadors and all guests saw that Alan, the son of President Wei Yan, sent a video from Canada to congratulate his mother on her birthday, they all felt the mutual support, encouragement, tolerance and priceless love between a mother and a son.

  亚美尼亚共和国驻华大使谢尔盖•马纳萨良阁下(H.E.Mr.Sergey Manassarian)为韦燕生日赠送鲜花

  斯洛伐克驻华大使杜尚•贝拉和夫人从2016年10月起就与中外新闻社韦燕总裁结下不解之缘, 一同前往温州、成都、长沙、广州、上海等地考察, 6年建立了深厚的友谊。斯洛伐克大使杜尚•贝拉在致辞中说, 此时此刻, 我和我的妻子来到这里, 祝贺韦燕女士生日快乐。我无法用语言来赞美这位伟大的女性和外交家--韦燕女士, 她带领中外新闻社走过21年, 取得了一个又一个辉煌。我们也从中外新闻社获得了很多外交信息, 韦燕女士搭建各国大使交流的平台, 作为大使, 为我提供与各国大使面对面交流合作的洽谈机会, 使各国交流与合作的领域更为广阔。在我看来, 韦燕女士是独一无二的总裁、独一无二的妈妈、独一无二的女性……

  The Slovak Ambassador to China Dusan Bella and his wife found a close bond with President Wei Yan since October 2016. They have visited Wenzhou, Chengdu, Changsha, Guangzhou, Shanghai and many cities together with a deep friendship. He said in his speech that at this moment, my wife and I are here to congratulate Mrs. Wei Yan on her happy birthday. I cannot make any words to praise this great woman Mrs. Wei Yan, she has led Home and Abroad News Press for 21 years with many glorious achievements. We have also obtained a lot of diplomatic information from Home and Abroad News Press; Mrs. Wei Yan built a communication platform for ambassadors and foreign diplomats from various countries in China. As an ambassador, she provides me with the opportunity for face-to-face communication and cooperation among all ambassadors and diplomats to deepen exchanges and cooperation between countries are broader. In my opinion, Mrs. Wei Yan is a unique business leader, a unique mother, a unique female character...

  韦燕总裁接受斯洛伐克共和国驻华大使杜尚•贝拉阁下及夫人(H.E.Mr.Dusan Bella Mrs.Eugenia Bellova)赠送的鲜花

  中外新闻社疫情期间携全球医药交易中心前往亚美尼亚驻华使馆捐赠口罩、防护服、丁腈手套等10万元防疫物品。亚美尼亚驻华大使谢尔盖•马纳萨良阁下激动地说:“我刚从亚美尼亚回到中国, 一解除隔离, 我就受邀出席韦燕女士的生日宴会。韦燕女士是我在中国最好的朋友。感谢中外新闻社!”

  During the pandemic, Home and Abroad News Press and the Global Pharmaceutical Trading Center donated RMB 100,000 anti-pandemic items such as masks, protective clothing, and nitrile gloves to the Armenian Embassy in China. The Armenian Ambassador to China, H.E. Mr. Sergey Manassarian, excitedly said: "I just returned back to China from Armenia, and as soon as my quarantine time is over, I was invited to attend today’s birthday party by Mrs. Wei Yan. She is one of my best friends in China. Many thanks to Home and Abroad News Press!”


  贝宁驻华大使西蒙•阿多韦兰德阁下是一个风度翩翩的外交官, 在很多场合, 他也总是亲切地称韦燕是他的妹妹。这份特殊的情谊也使得中国和贝宁的两个关系增添了更加温情的画面。大使阁下当晚也是百忙之中, 特意来庆祝“妹妹”的生日, 在致辞中说, 贝中合作成果对贝宁人民生活的所有重要领域都有影响, 包括卫生、教育、工业、基础设施、贸易和投资等。2021年2月, 中外新闻社总裁韦燕携手广州“康龄”企业前往贝宁共和国驻华大使馆捐赠防疫物品—20000个KN95口罩、10000个一次性医用口罩, 此次捐赠的医疗防疫物品均有欧盟认证和美国认证证书, 贝宁对此表示感谢。

  H.E. Mr. Simon P. Adovelande, Ambassador of Benin to China, is an experienced diplomat with elegant temperaments. On many occasions, he always calls Mrs. Wei Yan as his younger sister. This special friendship also adds a warm picture to the relationship between China and Benin. He is always busy day and night, and specially came to celebrate the birthday of his "younger sister". In his speech, he said that the results of the cooperation between Benin and China have an impact on all important areas of life of the Benin people, including health, education, industry, infrastructure, trade and investment, etc. In February 2021, Home and Abroad News Press and Guangzhou Kangling Group donated 20,000 KN95 masks and 10,000 disposable medical masks to the Beninese embassy in China. Benin expressed great gratitude for such noble action.

  斯洛伐克共和国驻华大使杜尚•贝拉阁下(H.E.Mr.Dusan Bella)致辞

  中宣部、外交部的前官员也应邀出席韦燕生日会, 他们认为:作为《中外新闻》的灵魂人物, 韦燕女士为《中外新闻》的创立发展壮大不遗余力, 也致力于为中国和世界各国搭起友谊的桥梁。我们都可以看到她在各种国际场合忙碌的身影和无数个深夜伏案工作的艰辛, 我们共同见证了她和《中外新闻》发展的成果。所以今天我们在这里为她一起庆祝生日, 不仅是带来了一份祝福, 更是相亲相爱一家人的亲情。

  Former officials from the Central Propaganda Department and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs were also invited to attend Wei Yan's birthday party. They believed that, as the founder and cornerstone of Home and Abroad News Press, Mrs. Wei Yan spared no effort for the establishment and continuous development of Home and Abroad News Press and was also committed to serving China and the world by building solid friendship connections. We all see her dedication and professionalism in various international occasions and countless hard-working nights. We have witnessed the remarkable achievements of her and Home and Abroad News Press. Today, we are here to celebrate her birthday together, not only to bring blessings to her, but also to love each other as a big family.

  贝宁共和国驻华大使西蒙•阿多韦兰德阁下(H.E.Mr.Simon P.Adovelande)致辞

  在这个特殊的日子里, 著名中国近景魔术大师辛刚先生前来助兴。辛刚老师是中央电视台快乐大巴栏目特邀嘉宾的魔术师, 一直都在很多魔术表演中都将生活中日常小道具和魔术进行了融合, 利用人们大脑产生延时反应的原理来创新并进行演绎, 给魔术注入了新的生命, 为当晚的嘉宾也带来了难忘的视觉体验。

  On this special day, the famous Chinese magician Mr. Xin Gang. He is a special guest magician of CCTV Happy Bus TV shows. He uses common objects in daily life to perform many magic performances with new ideas to create unforgettable visual experience. He performed amazing magic shows to the guests that night.

  著名青年小提琴演奏家武雅静、古筝演奏家张笑瑶, 也在这样的时刻为各位嘉宾演奏中国民族音乐一首首乐曲, 与会嘉宾静静的聆听天籟的琴声…

  Famous young violinist Wu Yajing and guzheng player Zhang Xiaoyao also played Chinese folk music for the guests. Everyone enjoyed the sounds from the heaven.

  亚美尼亚共和国驻华大使谢尔盖•马纳萨良阁下(H.E.Mr.Sergey Manassarian)致辞

  当晚给我们演奏生日歌的小朋友李欣晔和阿达, 她们是中国电影乐团、中国广播电影交响乐团首席竖琴演奏家李丽老师的学生, 他们曾参加第九届亚洲国际艺术节比赛取得优异成绩, 今天她们特意来到晚会现场, 精彩演奏《Charlotte in Spring》、《Promenade》, 合奏曲目:《奇异恩典》, 《生日快乐》向外宾们展示她们童星的艺术才华…

  The children Li Xinye and Ada who played the birthday song. They have participated in the 9th Asia International Arts Festival and achieved excellent results. Their performance showed the artistic talents of Chinese child stars to the foreign guests...

  借此欢乐气氛, 著名小提琴家辛欣一首《友谊地久天长》婉转悠扬、娓娓动听、精彩绝伦, 这时生日蛋糕徐徐推进场内, 斯洛伐克共和国驻华大使杜尚•贝拉阁下及夫人、亚美尼亚共和国驻华大使谢尔盖•马纳萨良阁下、贝宁驻华大使西蒙•阿多韦兰德阁下陪同韦燕总裁上台共切生日蛋糕, 一时间, 歌声、笑声、音乐声、掌声、欢呼声回荡在红石文博宴会厅……

  With joyous atmosphere, the famous violinist Xin Xin played "Auld Lang Syne". In such wonderful music, the birthday cake was bought to the center of the banquet hall. H.E. Mr. Dusan Bella Mrs. Eugénia Bellová, H.E.Mr.Sergey Manassarian and H.E. Mr. Simon P. Adovelande accompanied President Wei Yan to the stage to cut the birthday cake. At this moment, the entire venue was full of joy, laugh and happiness….

  “生日外交”使各国之间互动拉近彼此间的私人关系, 大家释放善意, 体现关系的融洽和深化友谊。

  "Birthday diplomacy" builds a strong personal relationship and the relationship among different countries with everyone’s kindness and harmony.

  斯洛伐克共和国驻华大使杜尚•贝拉阁下及夫人(H.E.Mr.Dusan Bella Mrs.Eugenia Bellova)同韦燕总裁共点生日蜡烛




  洛伐克共和国驻华大使夫人Mrs.Eugenia Bellova配合魔术大师辛刚先生表演魔术











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